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Blogbeiträge zum Thema Industry 4.0

Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Sense the future of smart agriculture with Arduino Edge Control

Sense the future of smart agriculture with Arduino Edge Control

Post written by: Quad Oner Reading Time: 2 minutes Arduino Team — April 22nd, 2021 The Arduino Pro lineup continues to grow with the introduction of the new Arduino Edge Control. This is a remote monitoring and control solution optimized for outdoor...

BluetoothLinuxNewsTechnology#technologyAgricultureAir-pressureArduinoBluetoothEdge ControlEnviromentFeaturedIndustrialIndustry 4.0Iot CloudLinuxLoraPhTechTemperature
Beitragsbild des Blogbeitrags Arduino and Distrelec launch a new automation & robotics contest!

Arduino and Distrelec launch a new automation & robotics contest!

Arduino and Distrelec launch a new automation & robotics contest! Arduino Team — April 23rd, 2018 How can you help advance Industry 4.0 using the Arduino ecosystem? From robots and predictive maintenance

LinuxNewsTechnology#technologyarduinoArduino ContestFeaturedIndustry 4.0IoTlinuxMaker Faire RometechUncategorized